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Health & Safety Policy

Harling AC encourages our members to take part in all our activities, but the health, well-being and safety of everyone is always the clubs priority.



The Health and Safety at Work Act apply to employers and the self-employed. The law requires Harling AC to do what is reasonably practicable to ensure health and safety.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are clear in their guidance when planning for safety for Amateur Sports Clubs. The HSE states that clubs should not get ‘tied up’ in red tape.

Harling AC will regularly review our club activity to ensure that the use of our premises, practices and equipment continues to remain safe for the enjoyment of all. Risk assessments will be completed, reviewed regularly and in any case annually to cover all club activities. 


To assist in the smooth and safe running of the club, the committee, our coaches, and our members are all encouraged to follow the below series of steps that have been produced by the HSE.

  • Think about the risks - a risk is the chance, high or low, of somebody being harmed by a hazard, and how serious the harm could be.

  • Think about how accidents could happen and who might be harmed.

  • Think about what you will need to do to control the risks and ask if there is anything you should do to make your club activities safer.


Harling AC will focus on risks that could cause real harm and do all that is possible to minimise those risks. In reviewing the risk, the owner will ask whether the decision makes sense and is proportionate to the level of risk.


Volunteers and the Health and Safety Act

The HSW Act sets out the general duties that employers have towards their employees. It also requires employers and the self-employed to protect people other than those at work (e.g. volunteer staff like coaches, club members, visiting teams and spectators) from risks to their health and safety arising out of, or in connection with, their work activities.
Health and safety law doesn't, generally, impose duties upon someone who is not an employer, self-employed or an employee. Harling AC does not have employees and as such the HSW it is not legally binding on clubs.


That said, UKA recommends that volunteer clubs and event providers without employees achieve the same standards of health and safety as that required of employers. This demonstrates to volunteers and participants that they are valued and will enable clubs to satisfy their duty of care requirements.


It is important to remember, the Health and Safety at Work Act only lays down statutory duties; a common law (i.e., non statutory) duty of care towards others applies to all those who visit, work, or are affected by your club’s activities.


However, Harling AC has legal responsibilities under health and safety law to make the premises and any equipment or substances provided for their use there, safe, so far as is 'reasonably practicable'.


Safety in Athletics

Safety is an integral part of all athletics disciplines at all levels, from recreational running through to the highest level of track and field.

There are two main considerations that underpin Harling Athletics Club in providing club activities. 


Harling AC will provide:

1. A “Duty of Care”. This is a common law duty that applies to all individuals and organisations. This law requires that all coaches, officials, volunteers, and administrators have a “duty of care” for those over whom they have a responsibility.


Harling AC will ensure:

2. Compliance with Health and Safety Legislation and the Health and Safety at Work Act.


Managing Safety

Those involved in running athletics activities and events need to ensure that the management of potential risks and help others to develop a knowledge and awareness of basic safety requirements. The planning and implementation of any activities in any situation should take full account of the safety requirements to ensure the organisers and participants safety.

Athlete’s training will be dependent on age and ability and Harling Athletics club expect our athletes to participate within these boundaries and as per the club code of conduct.


Health and Safety Policy


To support our Health & Safety policy statement we are committed to the following duties:

  • Undertake regular, recorded risk assessment of all sporting activities organised by the club.

  • Create a safe environment by putting health & safety measures in place as identified by the assessment.

  • Ensure that all members are given the appropriate level of training and competition by regularly assessing individual ability.

  • Ensure that all members are aware of, understand and follow the club’s health & safety policy.

  • Appoint a competent club member to assist with health and safety responsibilities.

  • Ensure that normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known by all members.

  • Always provide access to adequate first aid facilities including qualified first aider whenever possible.

  • Report any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity.

  • Ensure that the implementation of the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.


Members’ Health and Safety Dutie


  • Take reasonable care for your own health & safety and that of others. 

  • Assess your own fitness levels and maturity as a competitor when deciding what training to undertake and what competitions to enter.

  • Co-operate with the club on health & safety issues.

  • Correctly use all equipment provided by the club.

  • Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety, or welfare. 



As part of UK Athletics’ ongoing commitment to provide a safe sport, anyone who has witnessed or been involved in either an accident or incident should ensure this is reported to UKA. This is done using UKA’s online reporting forms. The information provided will help to prevent future occurrences of similar incidents and provide an overview of the type and frequency of accidents when they do occur.


Compiling our accident/incident information in this way is useful for many reasons and most significantly helps us to identify any specific issues or trends with regards to accidents or injuries.  The Harling AC accident book is located within the first aid box.


Note: If an accident has resulted in serious injury, or a hazard is so serious that it could result in an accident in the immediate future, it is important that these facts are reported immediately to the relevant Facility Operator, Race Director or Local Authority Health & Safety Manager.


When to report incidents involving volunteers.

The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) require the responsible person to report certain incidents involving employees or those affected by their work activity, including members of the public and volunteers.


The responsible person can be the employer or the people in control of the premises.

Incidents involving volunteers are only reportable where the accident arose from a work-related activity and:

  • the incident resulted in a fatality

  • the injured person was taken directly from the scene of the incident to hospital for treatment.


Examinations and tests do not qualify as 'treatment' and there is no need to report incidents where people are only taken to hospital as a precaution.

Incidents involving volunteers where there is no work activity are not normally reportable. The requirement to report over-7-day injuries only applies to employees, not volunteers.


Definitions for the purpose of reporting:

  • Accident: An event that results in injury or ill health.

  • Incident: an event not causing harm but has the potential to cause injury or ill health.

  • Fatality – An event that results in death.


 Dated: 20 March 2022

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