Juniors (aged 7+)
Locations and Training times
30/12/2020 Update. Due to Norfolk being placed into Tier 4, all training is cancelled until further notice.
Seniors watch out for Joeanuary via WhatsApp and Zoom.
East Harling Sports Ground, EHSSC, Church Road, East Harling, Norfolk. NR16 2NB (map)
Mondays 7-8pm (All members)
Saturdays 9-10:30am (All members)
Sundays 8am (Seniors) Long Runs
During the Covid situation we will be finishing at 10.00am on Saturdays.
Old Buckenham High School,
Abbey Road, Old Buckenham,
Norfolk, NR17 1RL (map)
Tuesdays 7-8:15pm (Non members and HAC Juniors 8+)

HAC Advent Challenge 1st - 24th December 2020
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For Junior and Seniors, a challenge for charity with medals for the runners who clock up the most Ks and other fun events.
There will be an entrance donation to charity and whatever the runners raise, HAC will match it. The charity we have chosen is The Trussell Trust, the foodbank for Thetford.
All we ask is for a donation to the local foodbank, no matter how big or small. Whatever you manage to raise, HAC will double the amount.
Here's the link to log your runs and where you'll find all the info for making your foodbank donations: HAC ADVENT CHALLENGE
The Challenge
From 1st December to 24th December we want you to run as many kilometres as you can – you choose the distance and the routes.
All entries will receive a medal and we also have some extra prizes to win along the way.
Prize 1 – Best Christmas Fancy Dress
Prize 2 – Most kilometres run Senior
Prize 3 – Most kilometres run Junior (must run with an adult so get your parents involved!)
Prize 4 – Best Christmas Strava Art – create your own Christmas picture with your route.
You then send evidence of your runs and your artwork into us and we will total up your kilometres and we’ll also share your amazing artwork on our website and FB pages. We would also love to see photos of you on your run, the route, your Christmas outfits etc which you can post on the Harling Athletics FB pages.
So, come on Harling Athletics Club members. Let’s finish 2020 on a fantastic high. Let’s get out those Christmas jumpers and leggings, socks and hats and get running – the challenge is on!!!
HAC Coaches and Committee
Good to see you all
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It is fantastic to see so many juniors back at athletics on Saturday mornings and Monday evenings. You all look in great form! Everyone is paying attention to their spatial awareness and using dollops of antibac hand lotion!
The only downside is on Monday evenings - the floodlights aren't working, so therefore having to use small portable ones, until they are fixed. If parents could park facing the rec with their lights on that would be a big help! Even better though would be someone to come forward and donate an amount of money to pay for the 30 year lights to be replaced or repaired!
It is also good to see a large amount of adults running on both days too. On Mondays the adults have opted not to use the rec and can be seen running through Harling with high viz and head torches on.
If you are interested in joining us, we'd loved to see you.
Juniors returning later in August
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Our junior sessions will be restarting on Saturday Aug 22nd, followed by Saturday August 29th, Saturday 5th September.
We are starting with Saturday sessions to begin with so that we can adjust to our new Covid safe training sessions. We hope to then continue with the Monday sessions as from 7th September. Rules and restrictions are constantly changing and we are closely monitoring the advice which is given from UKA. You will be informed of any changes as they occur.
Just a few notes before you all turn up: If you would like your junior athlete to join the above sessions you MUST book your place as we are restricted to the number of athletes we can have in each group. This is really important. Please send an email to garybrotherhoodhac@gmail.com detailing which sessions you would like to book on to. Parents MUST also complete a Health questionnaire for their athlete at the start of each session (these will be given to you at the start of the session). Again, this is really important - no form no training! We will send out details of restrictions and regulations that we must all adhere to nearer the time. Athlete must also be a paid up member of the club. If you did not renew in April then you must do so before you or your athlete starts to train with us again. Please contact Martin Gooderham on harlingathletics@gmail.com if you need further information on the membership payments and fees.
The HAC coaches hope to see you soon.
Seniors are back on Saturdays. Virtual Training for Seniors on Monday still
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If you are an experienced runner and would like to participate with a club, during this difficult times of Covid-19, the Seniors of Harling AC are back to group training on Saturday mornings.
Everyone MUST pre-book for all sessions in advance.
Please read the training guidelines found HERE
The virtual training sessions via Zoom on Mondays are still continuing.
If you are interested, please email harlingac.seniors@gmail.com for further detail on how to join in.
East Anglian League 2020 Update
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It is with disappointment that we ahe to announce that there will be no EAL competition for this year 2020, due to the Coronavirus.
With difficulties in social distancing still in place and the fact that many officials will be shielding, organisers felt that unfortunately this years competition should be cancelled. Sorry everyone.
Training and the Coronavirus
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In response to UK athletics statement regarding COVID 19 all training sessions for both junior and seniors will be suspended until at least the end of April.
We are sorry for any inconvenience caused but the welfare of our athletes and coaches is paramount at this time.
HAC Comittee
Statement from England Athletics
England Athletics advises that all face-to-face activity such as club training sessions, events, competitions, club committee and face-to-face meetings, athlete camps, running groups and social events should be suspended until at least the end of April.
The decision has been taken in the interests of athletes, runners, officials, coaches, volunteers, supporters and the wider athletics and running communities. This decision is also in alignment with actions taken by the home country athletics federations in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and is similar to action taken by other sports.
Where possible, athletes and runners at all levels are encouraged to maintain their own personal fitness and keep active during this time, while following government guidelines about safe distance and safe exercise environments.
England Athletics will continue to review and monitor government advice and will provide detailed updates on the impact to our sport in the coming weeks. We appreciate that the current situation will undoubtedly place our member clubs in a difficult situation and we are working with UKA and the other Home Country Athletics Federations on the best way to help alleviate the situation and will update you as plans evolve.
Harling Athletics Club AGM & Presentation Night
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What a night!
The evening started with the AGM whereby we said farewell to our present Chairlady Claire who has stepped down. The previous committee members were re-elected back in. New roles will be finalised at the next meeting in March.
There was now food, freshly prepared by Paul's Plaice fish n chip van in the carpark of the social club. Whilst we were eating, Martin Hinchlifee: Close Up Magician worked the room with some pretty amazing magic tricks!
Finally onto the presentation of awards, hopefully photos will follow...
Junior Coaches Awards:
Phoebe Rosher
Harrison Newman
Charlie McLellan
Oscar Harris
Daisy Grantham
Ethan Harris
Outstanding Athletes:
Seren Williams
Freddie Morris
India Makin
Lexie Duffy
Katie Benson
Alistair Hood
Cerys Brotherhood
Angus Clark
Sporting Achievement:
Emily Williams
Casey Peeke-Vout
Congratulations for taking part in the Sportshall 2019 Event
Freddie Morris, Mason Frost, Blake Frost. Harrison Newman, Charlie McLellan, Max Haines and Ewan Ley. Emily Williams, Seren Williams, Phoebe Rosher, Megan Rosher, Sophie Turrell and Imogen Haines.
Senior Prize Winners:
Most Improved Lady - Jane Williams
Most Improved Man - Steve Garland
Dedication Award - Sheli Blackburn
​Competition Winners:
5k Handicap Race - Jackie Duffy
2019 Senior Championship, Best Rookie - Pip Westwood
2019 Senior Championship, Overall Champion - Joe Denton
Officials for various 2019 events were also recognised and received a white logo'd poloshirt:
Jackie Duffy, Mike Duffy, Brynn Benson, Kass Harris, Ash Harris, Jon Hood, Debbie Hood, Nicci Clark, Sarah Ford, Jon Peeke-Vout, Chrissy Peeke-Vout, Gary Brotherhood, Sam Brotherhood, Kate Grantham and James Grantham
On Saturday 8th February, at East Harling Sports and Social Club.
6.30 Doors open
7.00 AGM
7.15 Food, entertainment and music.
9.00 Awards presentation – juniors followed by seniors
We have booked a magician as the main entertainment for the evening, he will spend a couple of hours working his way around the tables wowing us with magic tricks while we relax, eat and drink. There will also be music, dancing (not compulsory) and, undoubtedly, some ‘jokes’ from coach Gary.
We have booked a fish ‘n’ chips van to provide the food and they will be serving from 7.15pm till 9pm.
The cost of the food and entertainment will be subsidised by the club: The cost to members for the evening will be £3 / head. Tickets will be sold at the door between 6.30pm and 7pm and each ticket will entitle you to a meal from the fish ‘n’ chip van. The meal choices will be fish and chips or sausage and chips (of course you can choose to have just chips or sausage or fish).
It is important to stress that the AGM is open to all members and all are encouraged to attend. The AGM is free to attend, the £3 charge is not payable if you are just attending the AGM.
In order for the fish ‘n’ chips van to be properly prepared we will need to give them an indication of numbers for each meal choice in advance. Therefore, can you please respond to this email advising:
If you plan to attend
How many will be in you party
Number of fish and chips
Number of sausage and chips
If you have previously advised us that you will not be attending, there is no need to respond again. Otherwise, we would appreciate a response from everyone, whether you will be attending or not.
It would be great to see as many members as possible there on the evening, celebrating each other’s achievements over the past year and motivating each other for the year ahead.
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication over the past year and we look forward to seeing you on the 8th February.
HAC Committee and Coaches

London Marathon and HAC
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We are pleased to announce that, once again, the club have a place available for the 2020 London Marathon, on Sunday, 26 April 2020.
This entry was offered by ballot to any existing club member who expressed their interest. The lucky winner of the ballot will have to enter the race and pay the entry fee of c£35 (and run the marathon!). The winner won’t be alone, as Steve Garland is already entered and there will be plenty of help with training beforehand.
The ballot was held during training on Saturday, 21 December - at Lemon Pip Cafe (part of Swallow Aquatics), where tea/coffee and cake was consumed as part of the festive season and very tasty it was too!
We are pleased to announce that Jane Williams won the coveted place. Good luck Jane - no slacking over Christmas!

Isla is 7th in championships
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Well done to Isla who placed 7th in the GB Pentathlon British Biathlon championships over the weekend of 23rd & 24th November. She got her Personal Best in both the run and swim also. Brilliant achievement

Junior Sportshall Final
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U11 girls at the final of Sportshall in Norwich - 30th November.
Well done Emily, Megan, Seren and Phoebe!
Copy Of -Next Junior Sportshall event - 16th November
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The next Sportshall is being held at Lynnsport, Kings Lynn on 16th November – only 2 weeks away.
For those who entered the last competition I’m sure you would all agree that your children had a great afternoon. Sportshall is an indoor athletics competition and open to juniors aged 8 to 14. All competitions start at 1pm and finish by about 4.30pm. The cost of entry is £3 per athlete paid on the day. Click here for list of events.
Age groups are:
U11s – school years 4, 5 and 6
U13s – school years 7 and 8
U15s – school years 9 and 10
If you would like your child to compete in the next competition, please email Junior coach, Sarah Ford on ford_family@btinternet.com giving an idea of what events they would like to compete in. Remember they can do up to 2 field, 2 track and 2 relay events. Entries need to be in during the week beginning 11th Nov.

Congratulations to...
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Well done to everyone who ran in the School Cross Country. There were some fantastic results from some of our junior members Levi, Seren and Kitty came 1st; Morgan came 2nd; Sophie came 3rd; Freddie came 4th; Harrison 5th and Emily came 16th.
"Great running guys - all that hard work in training has paid off". Sam and the Junior Coaches.
Also we need a big Congratulations to Angus for coming 1st in the Marriotts Way 10k last Sunday and 7th out of 800 runners in the East Coast Way 10k today.

Quiz 'n' Chilli
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Quiz 'n' Chilli night at East Harling Sports & Social Club held on Saturday 12th October.
A big thank you to everyone who attended Quiz 'n' Chilli night on Saturday! Thank you to everyone who took part to help raise funds for the club and also a great big thank you to everyone who helped organise the event. Special thanks to John and Jo (the quiz masters) and to Claire and Kate for the amazing chillis.
Well done to the winning team.
A whopping £427 was raised for the club!!
Annual Club Relay - Marriott's Way - Sunday, 15 September 2019
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Following the popularity of last year's event, this year's Annual Club Relay followed the same route along the Marriott's Way from Norwich to Aylsham and back to Norwich, with lunch at Whitwell Station.
Congratulations to all of the runners who took part in the Marriott's Way Relay today. We were lucky to have perfect running conditions on the traffic free route from Norwich to Aylsham and back.
​There were some big distances covered by many of the runners today, especially Angus and Martin, who both completed a mileage equal to a marathon. Here are the total miles:
​Angus Clark - 42km (26.1miles)
Martin Gooderham - 42k (26.1miles)
Sarah Ford - 33.5km (20.8miles)
Sam Brotherhood - 24.1km (15.0miles)
James Grantham - 23km (14.3miles)
Kate Grantham - 17.8km (11.1miles)
Lou Brown - 16.7km (10.4miles)
Donna Gooderham - 16.1km (10.0miles)
Daisy Grantham - 13.4km (8.3miles)
Jane Williams - 13.1km (8.1miles)
Seren Williams - 13.1km (8.1miles)
Note: Jane and Seren had too leave before lunch, so a great morning's work by both of them.
Also honourable mentions go to Claire and Laura (both recovering from injury) who joined us for lunch and took part in the walking stage afterwards.
Everyone was still enthusiastic at the end of the day and wanted to know the date of next year's relay. So watch this space!
First Evening Running Races at Lotus Test Track
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A great time was had by all. Click to view pictures taken on the night here.
Harling AC are proud to present the first Lotus Test Track Running Evening on Friday, 7 June.
Racing starts at 6:30pm with a 2.5k Junior race. This will be followed by a 10k for seniors and a special 5k Team race.
The evening will finish with a BBQ and refreshments.
More information here
To view pictures of the event click here
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NEW video of Juniors getting some excellent javelin coaching from national throws coach, David Hughes
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Watch the video here
HAC Presentation Night
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Well done to all those athletes who received an award at the HAC Presentation Night – they were well deserved.
A fantastic night was had by all and the Back to Front Bingo was a great success helping raise funds for the club.
See some photos of the night here
Unlucky for Some! Save the date for HAC BINGO!!
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Harling Athletics will be running an Easter bingo on Saturday 13 April, so save the date!
Fun training in the snow - 2019!
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Check out a few new pics of the Juniors enjoying training in the snow! Click here to see them in the Juniors Gallery

Results of the County Cross Country Championships - Sunday 6th January
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Well done to all the athletes who took part in the County Cross Country Champs on Sunday 6th January.
Some good results with Angus Clark finishing in 6th position for the U17 boys which takes him through to the next round. For all the results go to: www.athleticsnorfolk.org.uk/?content=results

Good luck Angus!
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Huge Good Luck to Angus Clark who has been selected to run at the Cross Country Inter Counties Championships this Saturday!

Don't forget to bring your membership card to all training sessions and events
Support OUR BRECKLAND LOTTERY and help HAC at the same time!
Our Club can benefit from the Our Breckland Lottery so why not buy a ticket? 60% of receipts go to good causes in Breckland - and we're a good cause! Find out more here .